Responsibilities of DQCB WING

Pharmacist of DQCB Wing is responsible to:
  • Maintain the record of DQCB proceedings as supreme / appellate body of the same
  • Maintain, update & analyze the monthly progress report of all DQCB of Punjab
  • Scrutinize the revision petitions filed against the order of DQCB
  • Prepare agenda, minutes and orders of revision petitions
  • Refer back the quality cases which come in the ambit of DQCB
  • Update the status of refer back quality cases and revision petitions on Information Management Unit
  • Organize secretaries DQCB conference to evaluate their performance as and when required
  • Prepare annual report on DQCB performance
  • Perform any other task assigned by Senior Management
Deputy Drug Controller of DQCB Wings is responsible for:
  • Regulate and ensure all proceedings of DQCBs
  • Keep Check on the performance of DQCBs by monthly progress report
  • Scrutinize the revision petitions filed against the order of DQCBs
  • Review the agenda, minutes and orders of revision petitions
  • Supervise and address the quality cases of DQCBs
  • Organize secretaries DQCB conference to evaluate their performance as and when required
  • Supervise and ensure the disposal of DQCBs pendency’s
  • Supervise and assign tasks to the staff of his Wing
  • Prepare and Review annual report on DQCBs performance
  • Maintenance and up-gradation of IT devices
  • Perform any other task assigned by Senior Management