PQCB is a regulatory body within Province established by Provincial Government.
PQCB make regulations within the Province to regulate quality of drugs within Province.
The main functions of PQCB are
  • 3.1 Scrutinize the reports of Provincial Inspectors & Government Analysts
  • 3.2 Issue instructions to Provincial Inspectors
  • 3.3 Conduct training of Government Analysts
  • 3.4 Ascertain the names of Directors, partners and employees of the company, corporation, firm or institution who are prima facie responsible for the commission of an offence
  • 3.5 Conduct annual validation of all the instruments in DTLs
It is a public organization or Government Agency that is set up to exercise a regulatory function.
To regulate the quality medicine within Province.
Key elements of this regulation are drugs/medicines.
Regulatory body/PQCB can initiate legal proceedings against accused persons i.e. GMP, PSI, Warnings & Prosecutions.
By advising the Provincial Government on ways and means to ensure quality control of drugs manufactured, sold in the province.
PQCB in order to regulate its business by following Drugs Act 1976, DRAP Act 2012 and rules framed thereunder.
When PQCB takes legal actions against accused persons the they become defame and there moral/ financial values degraded automatically within society.
Literature, Seminars, Lectures, PDR's